How to buy?
How to buy on Pancakeswap
Set up a Wallet: Before you start, ensure you have a cryptocurrency wallet set up. MetaMask is a popular choice for interacting with decentralized finance (DeFi) platforms like PancakeSwap.
Add Binance Smart Chain (BSC) to MetaMask: By default, MetaMask is set up for Ethereum. You'll need to add the Binance Smart Chain network to interact with PancakeSwap. Go to MetaMask settings, then click on "Networks," and add the BSC mainnet:
Network Name: Binance Smart Chain Mainnet
ChainID: 56
Symbol: BNB
Block Explorer URL:
Get Binance Coin (BNB): You'll need Binance Coin (BNB) to trade on PancakeSwap. You can purchase BNB on centralized exchanges like Binance or through decentralized exchanges like PancakeSwap.
Connect MetaMask to PancakeSwap: Go to the PancakeSwap website and click "Connect" in the top right corner. Select MetaMask and authorize the connection.
Select Token and Connect Wallet: Choose the token you want to buy from the list or enter the contract address. Then, click "Connect Wallet" and select MetaMask.
Swap BNB for Token: Enter the amount of BNB you want to swap for the token. Make sure to set the slippage tolerance (usually between 1-5%) based on the token's liquidity. Click "Swap," confirm the transaction in MetaMask, and wait for it to be processed.
Add Token to MetaMask: After the transaction is confirmed, you may need to add the token to your MetaMask wallet manually. Click on "Add Token" in MetaMask, select "Custom Token," and enter the token's contract address.
Done!: You've successfully bought tokens on PancakeSwap. You can now view your balance in MetaMask and hold, trade, or transfer them as you wish.
Contract Address: 0xac548bb6f0dca5aa7bde78b04a564591732683c5
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